02 August 2006

Peak Oil

Here we are back in Bend after a great weekend in Portland. After weeks of 90 degree heat, we woke up on Monday morning to 37F degrees!! Wow was that a shock. A little too soon for a morning like that (can you say fall is on the way?), but we'll take it.

I've been reading some books about engergy. Peak Oil: What is it? Well, it's the theory that there is a finite supply of oil in the world that we're using slowly (or quickly depending on how you look at it) each day. So the rate at which new oil fields are discovered has already fallen off, as the big fields are pretty much known. We're still able to kick out more barrels today, than we did yesterday, but peak oil says that that will someday change, and we'll no longer produce enough oil to meet the demands of the world. (We're currently using between 80 and 90 MILLION barrels oil per DAY in the world.) It will probably be more like a plateau before the number we can produce starts going down.

Some say this might be a sort of armegeddon, with mass chaos and a big world war for the remaining oil. And this might be happening in the middle east right now (thanks GW). The more I read about it, the more I have hope that the law's of economics come into play and we become more energy efficient so we actually need less oil. It is already happening with the big 3 US automakers going in the tank (ford, gm and chrysler). They simply can't compete w/ Toyota an Honda and the efficient cars they are selling now.

So the point here is, change your light bulbs to compact florescents, use less electricity and natural gas and when it's time to get a new car, go for gas mileage.

Go out and see Al Gore's new movie and just wonder how different the world would be if we'd have had about 200 more votes for him in the 2000 election. I wasn't a big Gore fan back then, but hopefully he get's another chance to run in 08.

OK back to Yard work and blood donations.


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