09 August 2006

Published (sort of)

Well I got some props for my excellent photography skills. Some of my photos of Justin Gatlin are showcased in this online article.

Gatlin (like Roid Landis) has tested positive for taking testosterone. His excuse is, that a massage therapist rubbed steroid cream without his knowledge before a meet in Kansas City.

I don't believe him.

As for Landis, I'd like to believe him, but I think he used some kind of testosterone recovery assistance after his blow out on stage 16.

They should use my reverse doping techniques: Lose 9 pints of blood in 10 weeks... Without putting any back in. Iron unloading fast I hope. It's getting a little old. The only good news is my last 2 pints have gone into the blood bank at the red cross. And my blood type is O neg, which is the universal donor, which means that anyone can accept my blood in a transfusion, so it's good when patients are in the ER, and the docs don't have time to type the blood of the recipient.

Enough of that. Look at my pics at nowpublic.com

JUSTIN GATLIN - Doped up on roids.


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